Value-added Enterprise IoT solutions & IoT device management

IoT Advisory

IoT Development

IoT Solution

IoT Advisory

IoT Consulting

Performing a detailed evaluation, our IoT consultants plan for a successful IoT journey that includes agility, a scale for growth, resilience, and competitive advantage.

Rapid Prototyping

Building a tangible prototype we bring your IoT idea to life that can be evaluated and tested for usability, user feedback, and viability of future deployment.

IoT Technology Selection

Our expert IoT consultants help clients in multiple industries select from a range of IoT platforms, protocols, and connectivity options to build an end-to-end system that meets your specific needs.

IoT Integration & Implementation

Leverage our IoT domain expertise to drive end-to-end solutions around IoT integration and implementation without losing appreciation for potential complexities.

IoT Analytics & Insights

Generating actionable insights from your IoT devices, we transform data into rich visualizations with applied insights and analytics to help you make better and faster decisions.

IoT Development

IoT Application Development

We build feature-rich, scalable, intuitive, and secure IoT applications that can integrate with AI-ML capabilities and deliver predictive insights for the best possible user experience.

IoT Integration

Our IoT platform integration services enable connecting enterprise data across various nodes and create a holistic, contextual view of operational and user data.

API Development & Integration

We help you scale your IoT ecosystem by designing and developing intuitive, scalable, and secure APIs with the help of distributed architecture, microservices, and event-driven architectures.

User Experience for IoT

Unlock intricate details about user journeys with real-time application feedback and user engagement analytics to constantly improve the overall UX of your IoT ecosystem.

Testing & Maintenance

Our team of experts conducts a thorough QA for better performance while carrying out routine adaptive and preventive maintenance to ensure tight security and a glitch-free ecosystem.

IoT Solution

Smart & Connected Products

We design, develop, and deploy smart and connected products that can interact with their users and the environment around them.

Industrial IoT

We create IoT roadmaps that can enhance your operations by predicting machine failures and improving your end product quality.

Connected Health

We design connected health solutions that are compliant with industry standards and regulations while meeting the unique needs of healthcare providers, payers, and patients.

Consumer IoT

We empower consumer devices, including smartphones, wearables, electronic devices, and smart home appliances, with real-time insights and controls to unlock new capabilities and manage devices.

Smart SCM

Implement IoT solutions for Supply Chain Management (SCM) to reduce wastage, improve inventory management, and get real-time insights into the movement of physical objects and goods.

IoT implementation services for your business processes

Product thinkers

We help you define the right product goals aligned to your business needs, develop products that solve real-world problems and enhance efficiency.

IoT stack

From IoT devices connectivity and data acquisition to cloud analytics and visualization, our IoT solutions encompass the entire IoT technology stack.

Transformation capabilities

We focus on business transformation through impactful IoT roadmaps and unprecedented competitive advantage.

Technology agnostic

No matter the tech stack or platform, we develop tailor-made IoT applications that go well beyond the 'one size fits all' adage to meet your business needs.


We adhere to the best coding and project management practices to deliver unmatched solution quality.

Internet of Things (IoT) adoption for leading brands

IoT services to enable home automation

We implemented a robust IoT solution that was integrated with home smart devices to achieve automation and deliver smart access to home equipment. The user interface was rich and drove a great customer experience resulting in higher engagement and home security controls.


Improved Experience

IoT services to enable home automation

IoT adoption in human health analytics

The client is an innovator in the field of medical imaging for the detection and spread of cancer and other abnormalities. Our task was to leverage advanced technologies to accurately detect the disease within the lymph nodes using IoT, AI, and 3D visualization.


Diagnosis Accuracy

IoT adoption in human health analytics

An intelligent retail automation IoT project – AI for IOT connected devices

A fully automatic futuristic store that leverages in-store sensor fusion and AI technology. The solution connects all store smart devices, including sensors, remote control, cameras, real-time product recognition, and live inventory tracking. Data analytics on smart devices create personalized and customer-driven marketing efforts for achieving desired business outcomes.


Improved CX

An intelligent retail automation IoT project – AI for IOT connected devices

Built an IoT platform leveraging AWS IoT for a connected home

Engineered a home security solution that is easier to manage and more convenient for customers. Our IoT developers built an intuitive hybrid mobile interface capable of integrating multiple smart guard devices within a single application. The solution uses AWS IoT services for remote monitoring, home security, and system arming/disarming.


User Adoption

Built an IoT platform leveraging AWS IoT for a connected home

Leading by Passion. Driven by Innovation






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