Developed an e-commerce mobile app for user-friendly browsing and purchasing

This project encompassed the development of an E-Commerce mobile application using Kotlin for Android and REST APIs. The application aimed to provide users with a comprehensive catalog of various products available for purchase within the store. Users have the convenience of adding desired products to their cart and proceeding with placing an order. To ensure efficient data retrieval and display, the NeoSTORE API was utilized to fetch product details and render them on the user interface. Additionally, the application leveraged Room Database to securely store user addresses locally. The NeoSTORE API offered a range of features, including user functionalities such as login, password management (forgot password, change password), updating account details, and fetching account information.

Streamlined System Development for a BFSI company

A strong and effective system was developed using Android development. Its key steps included defining a workflow, determining API needs, and creating process flow. This entailed comprehending the system’s interconnections and features, outlining the flow of activities, and outlining precise procedures that were taken in order to accomplish desired results. A flawless data storage and retrieval process were based on properly setting MySQL and administering the database. In order to facilitate communication between various system elements, we permitted data interchange and integrated with other services, which was crucial to develop REST API endpoints.

Developed a comprehensive solution for Android app management

The dynamic dashboard offered by the Android app development firm gave a thorough view of crucial information, including the quantity of calls and chats made in the past six months and over the course of the preceding month. It also offered information on the number of users and astrologers using Android and iOS smartphones. Using the dashboard, administrators can manage users effectively by blocking, unblocking, or deleting user accounts as necessary. Administrators can publish articles through the dashboard, ensuring the delivery of valuable content to app users.