Microservices Architecture Enabling Scalable Modern Applications


Microservices have emerged as a game-changing architectural style for designing and developing modern software applications. This approach offers numerous advantages, such as –

  1. Scalability
  2. Flexibility
  3. Easier maintenance

This article delves into microservices, exploring their benefits, challenges, and best practices for building robust and efficient systems.

What are Microservices?

Microservices break down an application into loosely coupled, independently deployable services. Each service emphasizes a specific business capability and communicates with other services through lightweight protocols, commonly using HTTP or messaging queues.

This design philosophy promotes modularization, making it easier to understand, develop, and scale complex applications.

Essential Principles for Microservice Architecture Design

The following fundamental principles guide the design of Microservices architecture:

  1. Independent & Autonomous Services: Designed as individual and self-contained units, each Microservice is responsible for specific business functions, allowing them to operate independently.
  2. Scalability: The architecture supports horizontal scaling of services, enabling efficient utilization of resources and ensuring optimal performance during periods of increased demand.
  3. Decentralization: Services in the Microservices architecture are decentralized, meaning each service has its database and communicates with others through lightweight protocols.
  4. Resilient Services: Microservices are resilient, capable of handling failures gracefully without affecting the overall system’s stability.
  5. Real-Time Load Balancing: The architecture incorporates real-time load balancing to evenly distribute incoming requests across multiple instances of a service, preventing any specific component from becoming overloaded.
  6. Availability: High availability is a priority in Microservices design, aiming to reduce downtime and provide uninterrupted service to users.
  7. Continuous Delivery through DevOps Integration: DevOps practices facilitate continuous delivery and seamless deployment of updates to Microservices.
  8. Seamless API Integration and Continuous Monitoring: The architecture emphasizes seamless integration of services through APIs, allowing them to communicate effectively. Continuous monitoring ensures proper tracking of performance metrics to help detect issues promptly.
  9. Isolation from Failures: Each Microservice is isolated from others, minimizing the impact of a failure in one service on the rest of the system.
  10. Auto-Provisioning: Automation is utilized for auto-scaling and provisioning resources based on demand, allowing the system to adapt dynamically to varying workloads.

By using these principles, developers can create a Microservices architecture that is flexible, robust, and capable of meeting the challenges of modern application development and deployment.

Common Design Patterns in Microservices

Microservices architecture employs various design patterns to address different challenges and ensure effective communication and coordination among services. Here are some commonly used design patterns:

  1. Aggregator: The Aggregator pattern gathers data from multiple Microservices and combines it into a single, unified response, providing a comprehensive view to the client.
  2. API Gateway: The API Gateway pattern is a single entry point for clients to interact with the Microservices. It handles client requests, performs authentication, and routes them to the appropriate services.
  3. Chained or Chain of Responsibility: In this pattern, a request passes through a series of handlers or Microservices, each responsible for specific tasks or processing. The output of one service becomes the input of the next, forming a chain.
  4. Asynchronous Messaging: Asynchronous Messaging pattern uses message queues to facilitate communication between Microservices, allowing them to exchange information without direct interaction, leading to better scalability and fault tolerance.
  5. Database or Shared Data: This pattern involves sharing a common database or data store among multiple Microservices. It simplifies data access but requires careful consideration of data ownership and consistency.
  6. Event Sourcing: Stores domain events as the primary source of truth, enabling easy recovery and historical analysis of the system’s state.
  7. Branch: The Branch pattern allows Microservices to offer different versions or extensions of functionality, enabling experimentation or gradual feature rollouts.
  8. Command Query Responsibility Segregator (CQRS): CQRS segregates the read and write operations in a Microservice, using separate models for queries and commands, optimizing data retrieval and modification.
  9. Circuit Breaker: The Circuit Breaker pattern prevents cascading failures by automatically halting requests to a Microservice experiencing issues, thereby preserving system stability.
  10. Decomposition: Decomposition involves breaking down a monolithic application into smaller, more manageable Microservices based on specific business capabilities.

Developers can efficiently design and implement Microservices that exhibit better modularity, scalability, and maintainability, contributing to the overall success of the architecture.

Few Sample Architecture Of Microservices

Advantages of Microservices

  1. Scalability: With microservices, individual components can scale independently based on workload, enabling efficient resource utilization and better performance during high traffic.
  2. Flexibility: The loosely coupled nature of microservices allows developers to update, modify, or replace individual services without impacting the entire application. This agility enables faster development and deployment cycles.
  3. Fault Isolation: Since services can decouple, a failure in one service does not cascade to others, reducing the risk of system-wide crashes and making fault isolation more manageable.
  4. Technology Heterogeneity: Different services can use varied programming languages, frameworks, and databases, allowing teams to select the most suitable technology for each service’s requirements.
  5. Continuous Deployment: Microservices facilitate continuous deployment by enabling the release of individual services independently, ensuring faster and safer rollouts.

Challenges of Microservices

  1. Distributed System Complexity: Managing a distributed system introduces complexities in terms of communication, data consistency, and error handling, which require careful design and planning.
  2. Operational Overhead: Operating multiple services necessitates robust monitoring, logging, and management systems to ensure smooth functioning and quick identification of issues.
  3. Data Management: Maintaining data consistency across multiple services can be challenging, and implementing effective data management strategies becomes crucial.
  4. Service Coordination: As the number of services grows, orchestrating their interactions and maintaining service contracts can become intricate.

Best Practices for Microservices

  1. Design Around Business Capabilities: Structure services based on specific business domains to ensure clear ownership and responsibility for each functionality.
  2. Embrace Automation: Invest in automation for building, testing, deployment, and monitoring to reduce manual efforts and improve efficiency.
  3. Monitor Relentlessly: Implement robust monitoring and alerting systems to identify and address performance bottlenecks and issues proactively.
  4. Plan for Failure: Design services with resilience in mind. Use circuit breakers, retries, and fallback mechanisms to handle failures gracefully.
  5. Secure Communication: Ensure secure communication between services by implementing encryption and authentication mechanisms, which effectively deter unauthorized access.


Microservices have revolutionized modern software application architecting, development, and scaling.

Organizations can achieve greater agility, scalability, and maintainability by breaking down monolithic systems into more minor, manageable services.

However, adopting microservices requires careful planning, coordination, and adherence to best practices to harness their full potential.

With the advantages of microservices and addressing the associated challenges, businesses can build robust and adaptable software architectures that meet the demands of today’s fast-paced digital landscape.

By Sumit Munot (Delivery Manager – Javascript Fullstack)

CI/CD Pipeline: Understanding What it is and Why it Matters

The cloud computing explosion has led to the development of software programs and applications at an exponential rate. The ability to deliver features faster is now a competitive edge.

To achieve this your DevOps teams, structure & ecosystem should be well-oiled. Therefore it is critical to understand how to build an ideal CI/CD pipeline that will help to deliver features at a rapid pace.

Through this blog, we shall be exploring important cloud concepts, execution playbooks, and best practices of setting up CI/CD pipelines on public cloud environments like AWS, Azure, GCP, or even hybrid & multi-cloud environments.


Let’s take a closer look at what each stage of the CI/CD involves:

Source Code:

This is the starting point of any CI/CD pipeline. This is where all the packages and dependencies relevant to the application being developed are categorized and stored. At this stage, it is vital to have a mechanism that offers access to some reviewers in the project. This prevents developers from randomly merging bits of code into the source code. It is the reviewer’s job to approve any pull requests in order to progress the code into the next stage. Although this involves leveraging several different technologies, it certainly pays off in the long run.


Once a change has been committed to the source and approved by the reviewers, it automatically progresses to the Build stage.

1) Compile Source and Dependencies The first step in this stage is pretty straightforward, developers must simply compile the source code along with all its different dependencies.

2) Unit Tests This involves conducting a high coverage of unit tests. Currently, many tools show whether or not a line of code is being tested. To build an ideal CI/CD pipeline, the goal is to essentially commit source code into the build stage with the confidence that it will be caught in one of the later steps of the process. However, if high coverage unit tests are not conducted on the source code then it will progress directly into the next stage, leading to errors and requiring the developer to roll back to a previous version which is often a painful process. This makes it crucial to run a high coverage level of unit tests to be certain that the application is running and functioning correctly.

3) Check and Enforce Code Coverage (90%+) This ties into the testing frameworks above, however, it deals with the output code coverage percent related to a specific commit. Ideally, developers want to achieve a minimum of 90% and any subsequent commit should not fall below this threshold. The goal should be to achieve an increasing percentage for any future commits – the higher the better.

Test Environment:

This is the first environment the code enters. This is where the changes made to the code are tested and confirmed that they’re ready for the next stage, which is something closer to the production stage.

1) Integration Tests The primary thing to do as a prerequisite is to run integration tests. Although there are different interpretations of what exactly constitutes an integration test and how they compare to functional tests. To avoid this confusion, it is important to outline exactly what is meant when using the term.

In this case, let’s assume there is an integration test that executes a ‘create order’ API with an expected input. This should be immediately followed with a ‘get order’ API and checked to see if the order contains all the elements expected of it. If it does not, then there is something wrong. If it does then the pipeline is working as intended – congratulations.

Integration tests also analyze the behavior of the application in terms of business logic. For instance, if the developer inputs a ‘create order’ API and there’s a business rule within the application that prevents the creation of an order where the dollar value is above 10,000 dollars; an integration test must be performed to check that the application adheres to that benchmark as an expected business rule. In this stage, it is not uncommon to conduct around 50-100 integration tests depending on the size of the project, but the focus of this stage should mainly revolve around testing the core functionality of the APIs and checking to see if they are working as expected.

2) On/Off Switches At this point, let’s backtrack a little to include an important mechanism that must be used between the source code and build stage, as well as between the build and test stage. This mechanism is a simple on/off switch allowing the developer to enable or disable the flow of code at any point. This is a great technique for preventing source code that isn’t necessary to build right away from entering the build or test stage or maybe preventing code from interfering with something that is already being tested in the pipeline. This ‘switch’ enables developers to control exactly what gets promoted to the next stage of the pipeline.

If there are dependencies on any of the APIs, it is vital to conduct testing on those as well. For instance, if the ‘create order’ API is dependent on a customer profile service; it should be tested and checked to ensure that the customer profile service is receiving the expected information. This tests the end-to-end workflows of the entire system and offers added confidence to all the core APIs and core logic used in the pipeline, ensuring they are working as expected. It is important to note that developers will spend most of their time in this stage of the pipeline.



The next stage after testing is usually the production stage. However, moving directly from testing to a production environment is usually only viable for small to medium organizations where only a couple of environments are used at the highest. But the larger an organization gets, the more environments they might need. This leads to difficulties in maintaining consistency and quality of code throughout the environment. To manage this, it is better for code to move from the testing stage to a pre-production stage and then move to a production stage. This becomes useful when there are many different developers testing things at different times like QA or a new specific feature is being tested. The pre-production environment allows developers to create a separate branch or additional environments for conducting a specific test.

This pre-production environment will be known as ‘Prod 1 Box’ for the rest of this article.

Pre-Production: (Prod 1Box)

A key aspect to remember when moving code from the testing environment is to ensure it does not cause a bad change to the main production environment where all the hosts are situated and where all the traffic is going to occur for the customer. The Prod 1 Box represents a fraction of the production traffic – ideally around less than 10% of total production traffic. This allows developers to detect when anything goes wrong while pushing code such as if the latency is really high. This will trigger the alarms, alerting the developers that a bad deployment is occurring and allowing them to roll back that particular change instantly.

The purpose of the Prod 1 Box is simple. If the code moves directly from the testing stage to the production stage and results in bad deployment, it would result in rolling back all the other hosts using the environment as well which is very tedious and time-consuming. But instead, if a bad deployment occurs in the Prod 1 Box, only one host is needed to be rolled back. This is a pretty straightforward process and extremely quick as well. The developer is only required to disable that particular host and the previous version of the code will be reverted to in the production environment without any harm and changes. Although simple in concept, the Prod 1 Box is a very powerful tool for developers as it offers an extra layer of safety when they introduce any changes to the pipeline before it hits the production stage.

1) Rollback Alarms When promoting code from the test stage to the production stage, several things can go wrong in the deployment. It can result in:

  • An elevated number of errors
  • Latency spikes
  • Faltering key business metrics
  • Various abnormal and expected patterns

This makes it crucial to incorporate the concept of alarms into the production environment – specifically rollback alarms. Rollback alarms are a type of alarm that monitors a particular environment and is integrated during the deployment process. It allows developers to monitor specific metrics of a particular deployment and that particular version of the software for issues like latency errors or if key business metrics are falling below a certain threshold. The rollback alarm is an indicator that alerts the developer to roll back the change to a previous version. In an ideal CI/CD pipeline these configured metrics should be monitored directly and the rollback initiated automatically. The automatic rollback must be baked into the system and triggered whenever it determines any of these metrics exceed or fall below the expected threshold.

2) Bake Period The Bake Period is more of a confidence-building step that allows developers to check for anomalies. The ideal duration of a Bake Period should be around 24 hours, but it isn’t uncommon for developers to keep the Bake Period to around 12 hours or even 6 hours during a high volume time frame.

Quite often when a change is introduced to an environment, errors might not pop up right away. Errors and latency spikes might be delayed, unexpected behavior of APIs or a certain code flow of APIs doesn’t occur until a certain system calls it, etc. This is why the Bake Period is important. It allows developers to be confident with the changes they’ve introduced. Once the code has sat for the set period and nothing abnormal has occurred, it is safe to move the code onto the next stage.

3) Anomaly Detection or Error Counts and Latency Breaches During the Bake period, developers can use anomaly detection tools to detect issues however that is an expensive endeavor for most organizations and often is an overkill solution. Another effective option, similar to the one used earlier, is to simply monitor the error counts and latency breaches over a set period. If the sum of the issues detected exceeds a certain threshold then the developer should roll back to a version of the code flow that was working.

4) Canary A canary tests the production workflow consistently with expected input and expected outcome. Let’s consider the ‘create order’ API we used earlier. In the integration test environment, the developer should set up a canary on that API along with a ‘cron job’ that triggers every minute.

The cron job should be given the function of monitoring the create order API with expected input and hardcoded with an expected output. The cron job must continually call or check on that API every minute. This would allow the developer to immediately know when this API begins failing or if the API output results in an error, notifying that something wrong has occurred within the system.

The concept of the canary must be integrated within the Bake Period, the key alarms as well the key metrics. All of which ultimately links back to the rollback alarm which reverts the pipeline to a previous software version that was assumed to be working perfectly.

Main Production:

When everything is functioning as expected within the Prod 1 Box, the code can be moved on to the next stage which is the main production environment. For instance, if the Prod 1 Box was hosting 10% of the traffic, then the main production environment would be hosting the remaining 90% of that traffic. All the elements and metrics used within the Prod 1 Box such as rollback alarms, Bake Period, anomaly detection or error count and latency breaches, and canaries, must be included in the stage exactly as they were in the Prod 1 Box with the same checks, except on a much larger scale.

The main issue most developers face is – ‘how is 10% of traffic supposed to be directed to one host while 90% goes to another host?’. While there are several ways of accomplishing this task, the easiest is to transfer it at the DNS level. Using DNS weights, developers can shift a certain percentage of traffic to a particular URL and the rest to another URL. The process might vary depending on the technology being used but DNS is the most common one that developers usually prefer to use.



The ultimate goal of an ideal CI/CD pipeline is to enable teams to generate quick, reliable, accurate, and comprehensive feedback from their SDLC. Regardless of the tools and configuration of the CI/CD pipeline, the focus should be to optimize and automate the software development process.

Let’s go Over the key Points Covered One More Time. These are the key Concepts And Elements that Make up an Ideal CI/CD Pipeline:

  • The Source Code is where all the packages and dependencies are categorized and stored. It involves the addition of reviewers for the curation of code before it gets shifted to the next stage.
  • Build steps involve compiling code, unit tests, as well as checking and enforcing code coverage.
  • The Test Environment deals with integration testing and the creation of on/off switches.
  • The Prod 1 Box serves as the soft testing environment for production for a portion of the traffic.
  • The Main Production environment serves the remainder of the traffic

NeoSOFT’s DevOps services are geared towards delivering our signature exceptional quality and boosting efficiency wherever you are in your DevOps journey. Whether you want to build a CI/CD pipeline from scratch, or your CI/CD pipeline is ineffective and not delivering the required results, or if your CI/CD pipeline is in development but needs to be accelerated; our robust and signature engineering solutions will enable your organization to

  • Scale rapidly across locations and geographies,
  • Quicker delivery turnaround,
  • Accelerate DevOps implementation across tools.


Solving Problems in the Real World

Over the past few years, we’ve applied the best practices mentioned in this article.

Organizations often find themselves requiring assistance at different stages in the DevOps journey; some wish to develop an entirely new DevOps approach, while others start by exploring how their existing systems and processes can be enhanced. As their products evolve and take on new characteristics, organizations need to re-imagine their DevOps processes and ensure that these changes aren’t affecting their efficiencies or hampering the quality of their product.

DevOps helps eCommerce Players to Release Features Faster

When it comes to eCommerce, DevOps is instrumental for increasing overall productivity, managing scale & deploying new and innovative features much faster.

For a global e-commerce platform with millions of daily visitors, NeoSOFT built their CI/CD pipeline. Huge computational resources were made to work efficiently, giving a pleasing online customer experience. The infrastructure was able to carry out a number of mission-critical functions with substantial savings resulting in both: time and money.

With savings up to 40% on computing & storage resources matched with an enhanced developer throughput, an ideal CI/CD pipeline is critical to the eCommerce industry.

Robust CI/CD Pipelines are Driving Phenomenal CX in the BFSI Sector

DevOps’ ability to meet the continually growing user needs with the need to rapidly deploy new features has facilitated its broader adoption across the BFSI industry with varying maturity levels.

When executing a digital transformation project for a leading bank, NeoSOFT upgraded the entire infrastructure with an objective to achieve continuous delivery. The introduction of emerging technologies like Kubernetes into the journey enabled the institution to move at startup speed, driving the GTM 10x faster rate.

As technology leaders in the BFSI segment look to compete through digital capabilities, DevOps & CI/CD pipelines start to form their cornerstone of innovation.

A well-oiled DevOps team, structure, and ecosystem can be the difference-maker in driving business benefits and leveraging technology as your competitive edge.

Begin your DevOps Journey Today!

Speak to us —let’s Build.

Benefits of CI/CD Model for your new eCommerce website

Modern day e-commerce needs to be incredibly responsive to user needs. A glitch-free website isn’t enough these days. The website owner needs to continually better the website based on the subsequent user input that is acquired from different engagement mediums.

Given the gargantuan scale at which e-commerce sites have to operate these days, DevOps is the perfect methodology to provide a seamless coding and development platform through which updates and changes can flow.

To give website owners a better perspective of DevOps, we need to look at its two most important categories of automation: Continuous integration (CI) and Continuous deployment (CD). CI and CD are formulated to ease the delivery pipeline by reducing the time and resources required to initiate the development and maintenance processes of a product. A development team needs to have strengthened collaboration in order to fully leverage the benefits that the CI/CD model offers.

If an e-commerce business wants to improve its conversion rates and performance, then the CI/CD model is the best way to do it.

Understanding CI and CD model

Continuous integration (CI) is a process that helps developers in creating, testing and merging their code through to the repositories in an automated manner, thereby reducing the chances of conflict that accompany a wide range of changes being done to the main source code from different development aspects.

In simpler words, CI allows developers to push code with automated testing in order to make sure that once the code is merged with the main website code, nothing breaks or experiences a crash. This reduces the chances of getting integration-related bugs from any external tools that your e-commerce website might have acquired. In CI, the code quality is improved before its released through iterative changes and by tracking of real-time reports.

Continuous delivery (CD) is a major part of this model as it wrests control over the other problematic aspect of code deployment after CI has done its job (i.e., integrating that live code within multiple environments).

With CD, you can release your code at any point in time, without having issues with the state of the product. Together, the CI/CD model automates most of the testing and QA parts of the delivery pipeline resulting in a highly efficient and coherent system that suits modern-day development needs.

Below are some of the advantages of the CI/CD model for e-commerce websites.

1. Faster Development Response Time

  • The CI/CD model is primed for ensuring that you can test as many types of codes as you want and integrate it within your existing product without running into any major performance issues. This provides e-commerce websites with an incredible opportunity to respond to user demands and needs in real time by pushing everything from updates to feature introductions flawlessly and in a quicker manner than ever before.
  • You can even use this model to test various versions of your user interface (UI) and the tools on your website so you can align your website with changing market and user trends. This will result in increased optimization of your site’s conversion funnel.

2. Reduced Time To Reach Market-Ready State

  • Engaging customers before your competition does is crucial toward the success of an e-commerce website. If someone else is able to capture a segment first, then it becomes incredibly difficult for you to carve out your own space there.
  • Reducing your time to deliver features and tools is a turnaround issue you will continuously encounter in the e-commerce space. Once you leverage the CI/CD model, you will be able to reduce the amount of time between gauging demand and responding to it, thus increasing your market success rate via capturing the space before others do.

3. Better Code Quality and Reduced Costs

  • One of the major benefits of following the CI/CD model is that your development team can release multiple builds in a very short span of time via automated testing, resulting in a much more robust, glitch-free e-commerce website. E-commerce websites have diverse tools, features and categories, so efficiency and robustness in coding are imperative to deliver a stellar experience to the end user.
  • This also helps reduce development costs because the same process of releasing new code requires fewer hours. With reduced errors and faster deployment, the overall expense budget allocated to development can be scaled down significantly.


Delivering an exceptional end-user experience is a necessity for modern-day e-commerce web development, and the CI/CD model is the perfect way to achieve it. Integrating this model can help you optimize your conversion rates and increase profitability in a sustainable manner.

Source: www.forbes.com/sites/theyec/2020/11/17/how-new-e-commerce-site-owners-can-benefit-from-the-cicd-model/?sh=53aa439f50a1